Two Tracks
Arctic Exposure offers two tracks for different levels of competency. Both tracks cover camera operation and computer skills plus much of our class time will emphasize improving your photography/composition. All attendees may participate, at any time, in either the Core or Advanced Tracks.
Topics covered for all attendees:
- Making Better Photos (including Composition)
- Stitching Together Panoramas
- Shooting Glaciers the Onboard Field Trip
- Critique/Open Forum
- Lab/personal editing time with guided assistance
- The Core Competency class will look at the Photoshop interface, selections, painting, and basic tools for color correction (e.g., histograms and the Levels tool).
- The Advanced Photoshop Track deals with more advanced color correction techniques including the Curves tool, layers, and masks.
Core Competency Track
For those individuals new to digital photography who want an in-depth look at their camera's features including the role of light, and optimizing image capture.
Camera Controls covered will include:
- Set up-date, time, etc.
- File format and jpeg options
- Resolution
- Exposure and its modes; including flashing highlights, reading the histogram, and using exposure compensation
- Focusing
- White Balance
- Lens dealing with angle of view
- Camera handling
Advanced Photographer Track
For SLR users who know their camera well and want advanced workshops in image capture, lighting, digital workflow, archiving, and the more-advanced camera controls:
- Accommodating the properties and quality of light
- Fine-tuning exposure with different meter choices (including exposure compensation, bracketing, and using feedback of flashing highlights and histogram, ISO and noise issues)
- Exposure controls f-stop/depth of field, shutter speed/motion control
- Exposure modes A, S, M
- White Balance custom WB, creative WB
- Advanced camera menus tone compensation, sharpening, etc.
- Shooting in RAW format
- Lenses controlling angle of view combined with varying camera position to control perspective and emphasize or reduce importance of elements in scene
- Using flash controlling exposure and managing quality of light (direction, diffusion, etc.)
Optional Field Trips
We'll be going into the field to work on taking better pictures.
Bill will work with the attendees on analyzing the scene within the context of the Field Trip Theme. Successful photography in the field is not just a matter of following predetermined formulas, but of picking and choosing from an arsenal of technical and aesthetic tools based on the constraints of circumstances (primarily weather), time limits, quality of light, equipment on hand, etc. We will discuss lighting issues, appropriate camera techniques, and compositional tools that will help us make the strongest image under the conditions we encounter, taking advantage of the spectacular opportunities Alaska offers photographers.
$149 per person. Maximum of eight (8) people per Optional Field Trip.
Camera Controls, 8:30amNOON
Speakers: Bill Durrence & Ben Long
Tracks For: Core Competency & Advanced attendees
Making Better Photos (Composition), 1:30pm5pm
Speaker: Bill Durrence
One Combined Track: All attendees
Q&A, 6pm8pm
Speakers: Bill Durrence & Ben Long
In the Crow's Nest
Field Trip Organizer, 9amNoon
Speaker: Bill Durrence
Field-Trip attendees only
Optional Field Trip
Urban Landscapes in Alaska, Noon2:30pm
Field Trip Leader: Bill Durrence
Downtown Juneau
Optional Field Trip
Doing Panoramas, 3:30pm7pm
Field Trip Leader: Bill Durrence
Mount Roberts, Juneau, weather permitting;
otherwise at Mendenhall Glacier
Stitching Together Panoramas, 8:30am10am
Speakers: Bill Durrence & Ben Long
One Combined Track: All attendees
Workflow: Downloading and Organizing Your Images, 10:30amNOON
Speakers: Bill Durrence & Ben Long
Tracks For: Core Competency & Advanced attendees
Shooting Glaciers: The Onboard Shoot, 1:30pm5pm
Speakers: Bill Durrence & Ben Long
One Combined Track: All attendees
Q&A, 6pm8pm
Speakers: Bill Durrence & Ben Long
In the Crow's Nest
Optional Field Trip
Portraits & Personalities, 9amNOON
Field Trip Leader: Bill Durrence
Downtown Sitka
Critique/Open Forum, 6pm8pm
Speaker: Bill Durrence
One Combined Track: All attendees
Optional Field Trip
Natural Landscapes, 8amNOON
Field Trip Leader: Bill Durrence
Tongass National Forest (northern tip of Ketchikan)
Editing Using Photoshop, 1:30pm3pm
Speakers: Bill Durrence & Ben Long
Tracks For: Core Competency & Advanced attendees
Working with RAW Files, 3pm5pm
Speakers: Bill Durrence & Ben Long
One Combined Track: All attendees
Critique/Open Forum, 6pm8pm
Speaker: Bill Durrence
One Combined Track: All attendees
Lab/Personal Editing, 8:30amNOON
Speakers: Bill Durrence & Ben Long
One Combined Track: Editing time with assistance in classroom; turn in contest entries
Lab Continues, 1:30pm5pm
Speakers: Bill Durrence & Ben Long
One Combined Track: Finale with contest winners (fabulous prizes!)
Optional Field Trip
Closeup Shooting, 8pm11pm
Field Trip Leader: Bill Durrence
The Butchart Gardens