The conference fee is $1,275 and includes all 90-minute seminars below plus three private “open bar” InSight Cruises parties.
Speaker: Lawrence Krauss, Ph.D.
Standing somewhere between natural history and biography, Dr. Krauss lays out the life history of an single atom from the beginning of the universe to the end. Life is a journey, and this atom’s journey runs from nuclear physics to chemistry to cosmology, with passages through geology and biology along the way. Whether you are an atom afficianado, or more a “universe in a grain of sand” type, sit with Dr. Krauss for a refreshing look at an atom.
Speaker: Lawrence Krauss, Ph.D.
A review of the revolutions that have taken place in cosmology over the past decade, including the discovery of Dark Energy, which permeates space and drives cosmic expansion. Tune in to Dr. Krauss and develop a deeper understanding of space, time, and gravity — one that is apt to change your picture of the universe.
Speaker: Lawrence Krauss, Ph.D.
Recent discoveries have implications for our understanding both of the future of our universe and life within it and for our understanding of fundamental physics. Join Dr. Krauss as he covers the fate of the Milky Way, what lies beyond the event horizon, and cosmic phenomena of the next 100 billion years.
Speaker: Paul Davies, Ph.D.
Sit back, relax, and take a 360° look at the origin of the cosmos. What’s the evidence for a big bang? What happened before the big bang? How did the big bang unfold? Get the big picture with Paul Davies.
Speaker: Paul Davies, Ph.D.
The afterglow of creation, the formation of galaxies, the synthesis of the chemical elements and the origin of life will contribute to our look at the evolving sum and substance of the universe. And while we’re in an inquiring frame of mind—are the laws of physics a relic?
Speaker: Paul Davies, Ph.D.
Simple question, basic human nature, complex possibilities — we’re all curious about the fate of the universe. Join Dr. Davies as he delves into the expansion of the universe, dark matter and dark energy, multiverses and bubble universes, the far future of the universe. Is its ultimate fate big freeze, big crunch or big rip? You’ll come away with food for thought, if not dinner table conversation.
Speaker: Paul Davies, Ph.D.
Given the dependence of the existence of life on the exact form of the laws of physics, humanity seems an unlikely element of the universe. Onward, then, to Dr. Davies’ discussion of astrobiology and the search for life in the universe and SETI.
Speaker: James Kennedy, Ph.D.
Rising out of the good earth and water, sustainably farmed, viewed as promoting wellness for millenia, wine sounds like it’s good for health. Is it? Where do wine risks and benefits balance out? Are “better” wines better for you? Dr. Kennedy will talk about health implications of how wine is made and recent research on the role of wine components in biological activity. Get a handle on the antioxidants, resveratrol, oak, polyphenols, tannins, anthocyanins et al that allow wine drinkers to toast “Salud!”.
Speaker: James Kennedy, Ph.D.
Take a sideways look at one of the world’s great red wines. Legendary winemaker André Tchelistcheff said: “God made cabernet sauvignon whereas the devil made pinot noir”. Hear what Jim Kennedy has to say on the history and development of Pinot noir as one of the finest wines in the world. You’ll come away with a picture of the fascinations and scientific challenges, technology and art swirling in a glass of pinot.
Speaker: James Kennedy, Ph.D.
Well, yes, we’re talking about winetasting. Of course, Dr. Kennedy takes a scientist’s methodical approach to the chemical, biological, anatomical, and neurological aspects of the analysis and appreciation of the products of fine winemaking. Learn what wine writers look at when they evaluate a wine (and what descriptive words are used in serious contemplation of wine versus impressionistic bombast). Advance your knowledge of areas often overlooked at wine tastings: defect recognition, tasting memory, and sensory technique.
Speaker: James Kennedy, Ph.D.
Consider enology through the eyes of a scientist. Learn unique aspects of grape varietals, and the inside scoop on how wine grapes are grown and wine is made. Pick up insights on the influence of geology and weather on grapes. You’ll also get Dr. Kennedy’s first-hand view of enological research, and his thoughts on what and where the next advances in wine science will occur.
264 S. Meridith Ave., Pasadena, CA 91106 • 650-787-5665 • Copyright 2009 © InSight Cruises